La Manche, LLC
La manche
La Manche, named after his sire English Channel has already got a lot of run in him. His dad could really run, and was one of the top turf horses - not only in this country, but in the world, earning over $5,000,000 in winnings. Channel could run on the lead, come off the pace, be blistering along, and still open up and win going away. He has won so many Grade ones that it is impossible to mention them all here.
English Channel's offspring can also really run. We've got one of them named Cliffs of Dover, La Manche's full brother, who is turning into a monster as we speak. So strong is he that we have had trouble finding jockeys that can handle his speed and strength; so competitive is he that he won going away at 6/1 odds at Saratoga and beat all the fancy trainers' entries Want to know the best part? He is just getting started.
It is no surprise why these horse's can run, because their mother, Ambidaxtrous, was the same way. She'd break out of the gate and fight for the lead every time. She's tug and tug, and after 3 great years of racing has amassed just shy of $200,000 in earnings and placed in a stake behind one of the best filly's of her generation.
Now, Ambidaxtrous is a very worthy, very accomplished producer and she has a great love affair with her boyfriend English Channel. They make very nice babies and you can be the proud owner of this very handsome, very striking copper colored beauty.
As far as training - La Manche is game. Just like his Mom and Dad, he fights for the lead and wants to get to the finish line first. It may not sound like much, but when a young horse displays that competitive characteristic early in his training its a very good thing. You'd be surprised, but not all horses get it, some never do - they just think its cool to run around a groomed dirt surface with their buddies. Then there are the ones that just have to get there first. They grab the bit at the top of the stretch and take off. This competitive streak is bred into them - it's in their make up, their genes, they are born to win. La Manche is one of them!
La Manche is an affordable foray for a first timer, or a nice addition to your stable for the true gamers. This horse is a must have because he will get you to the promised land! I love all these horse you will love them too.
La Manche's big brother, Cliff's of Dover's BIG WIN at Saratoga Race Track - Click the button below to view: